The purpose of this platform is to network with other business owners to generate referrals for your business.

Members of a group will meet online on a weekly basis and will promote their business and ultimately learn about the other members’ businesses. This platform allows all participants to ask questions, provide support on their products, learn about other businesses and will get to know the other business owners. Essentially, referrals done via word of mouth is of immeasurable value.

Someone once said that if an opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door. Building a door in the 21st century starts with an online network group that is not only cost-effective but also time-efficient. 

Our business plan is to have several small business network groups worldwide, and every time you join a group, new business owners learn about your business. The possibilities and opportunities are endless.  

Small groups will consist of between five and 15 business owners from different and unique business categories.

Each group will have one team leader who will be responsible for hosting the meetings via Zoom Conference Software.

Group members will each have two minutes to introduce themselves and to inform the other members of the type of clients that they are looking for.

One member will have a five to 10-minute session to give a more detailed presentation of his/her business. These longer presentations will be on a rotational basis and we may allow more than one person per week to present if time permits.

All our business network meetings are online with registered members only who are introduced by other members who verify that they are legitimate business owners. 

All members will have to register on our website where they must accept our terms and conditions before they are accepted as members.

Business owners can visit our meetings only once as a ‘non-member’ before they become members.

Members may also interact with other groups via our website and may be invited to join other group meetings with prior arrangement/approval of the hosting group.